Welcome to ROMP! Help us get the word out about the festival and earn a ticket to ROMP at the same time. The ROMP Street Team plays a vital role in the promotion of the festival. Members participate by passing out informational flyers, hanging posters, and utilizing the internet to share the love of ROMP.
Upon completion of their duties, street team members will receive one 4-day festival pass (includes tent camping, RV camping must be purchased separately). Please keep in mind, without documentation of street team requirements, you WILL NOT receive a ticket.
Documented placement of no less than 50 ROMP festival posters in audience appropriate venues, businesses and establishments.
Support ROMP festival social media efforts with likes, shares, comments and invites to friends.
Distribution of ROMP festival handbills whenever possible in audience appropriate scenarios.
Street Team members selected will be notified no later than April 1st by email. Further instructions to follow.